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In the Fall of 2021, Terisa Phonxaya was the first to recognize and acknowledge the lack of Asian representation at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Inspired by the Sisterhood she encountered at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, she sought to bring about an Asian community where young women can grow and flourish together throughout their undergraduate experience. Terisa Phonxaya began her search for young women who shared the same vision as her.


Terisa started her journey by reaching out to Christopher Stokes, who is the Assistant Multicultural Director and our Greek Advisor, to seek advice about accumulating interest on campus. Mr. Stokes was instrumental in giving our Charters the resources to get DPhiL off the ground. After gathering support from the Multicultural Affairs office, Terisa developed an interest group called L.O.T.U.S. (Leading Others Together Under Solidarity) in the Spring of 2022. This interest group was primarily to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusivity.


With the help and support from many Sisters around the world, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga welcomed its first Multicultural Greek Organization and Asian-Interest Sorority on campus, Delta Phi Lambda®. Motivated by passion and purpose, Maggie Schulte, Terisa Phonxaya, Kendra Satterwhite, Cameron Tagavilla, Mackayla Wall, Corinne Finger, Kittyna Sisouvanh, and Ailene Le brought to life the joint vision to create an inclusive community that spreads Asian awareness. These girls founded a legacy at UTC that works consistently to positively impact their community.


On November 13, 2022, the UTC Associate Chapter was officially established on campus. Moving forward into the future, the eight women of the Charter Class aspire to develop everlasting relationships with those in their chapter and other organizations on campus. With the desire to impact their community positively, their grit and determination generate new growth throughout their campus.

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Delta Phi Lambda DPhiL
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